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銭湯で、「これからのヘルシー」を考える デザインリサーチプロジェクトの展示イベント を 東京大学生産技術研究所 DLXデザインラボ x 博報堂 x SEEDATA を開催 ―銭湯で、「これからのヘルシー」を考える。―







Future Health Project at Public Bath The DLX Design Lab at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Hakuhodo Brand Innovation Design, and SEEDATA Inc. of the Hakuhodo Group jointly held an exhibition event for the design research project “Thinking about ‘Future Health’ in Public Baths,” which started in February 2020. The event was held on December 10, 2020.

The event was jointly organized by the DLX Design Lab at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Hakuhodo Brand Innovation Design, and SEEDATA, to implement design and innovation into society under the theme of “Future Health.

With the participation of Mitsubishi Estate, Japan Tobacco Inc., and Xenoma Inc. and the cooperation of Kosugi-yu in Koenji, Tokyo, a series of fieldwork, workshops, and prototyping have been conducted since February 2020. 

Even in this age of uncertainty and demand for new values, “healthy” is a universal value concept. We believe that healthy will become a keyword that shapes the society of the future, not only in the traditional material sense but also as a concept that expands to include mental health and social health.In thinking about the “future of health,” we considered “public baths,” whose value has been rediscovered in recent years, especially by young people, as the seeds of the new era, and with the cooperation of Kosugi-yu, we planned a survey, conducted design research in public baths, and conducted user interviews with visitors. In this event, prototypes of the ideas born from the design research at the bathhouse were displayed in the bathroom of Kosugi-yu.

This exhibition provided an opportunity for visitors to experience and think about traditional culture and novelty, the creative process of creating ideas from research, and the possibility of collaboration with multiple organizations and companies.


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